High-tech Investing

If you are looking for funding for your real estate project, we have the platform where you will find the best investors to meet your needs. These are verified investors who are willing not only to invest money but also share your vision with you. 

Here are a few things that you have to consider before you prepare your sales pitch.

Show That You Know Your Market

Show that you have a grasp on the market. Don’t be afraid to show your investors that you have done your research and can speak confidently about the market size, share of competitors, growth rates, trends in the market and industry.

Summarize Your Plan

This section should be a simple overview of your business model, including how long you expect it to take to get there, what milestones you need to achieve in order to get there (e.g., number of customers acquired), and what will be the value of the business at each milestone.

If you’re targeting angels or seed funds, this section also needs to describe how many employees are needed for success.

Answer Some Important Questions

When preparing for your pitch, it’s important to anticipate the questions that you might get and prepare answers beforehand. You should have a list of questions you want to ask investors, but don’t forget about having a list of questions that investors might ask you as well. For example:

  • What’s your background?

  • Why did you choose this particular idea?

  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
These are just some examples of the types of questions that can be asked during an investor meeting.

Know Your Risks

The truth is that no business will succeed without some risk. How you manage your risks will determine the success of your business, so it’s important to identify and address the most pressing ones.

Identify any external factors that could damage your business (e.g., competitors entering the market). Look at all possible scenarios and consider how you would handle them if they happened. Think about what might happen if a product fails to sell well or if a key employee leaves unexpectedly, as these situations can have lasting negative effects on a company’s growth potential and reputation in its industry.

Have Some Knowledge of Your Competitors

This is a crucial question to answer. You will need to know your competitors and their strengths and weaknesses. This is what you’re competing against, so it’s important to highlight how you are different from them. You should also make sure that whatever you are comparing yourself to, it’s something relevant in your industry.

You can do this by researching the market and asking around for referrals or testimonials from other businesses like yours that have been successful with investors and clients.

Describe Your Team and Its Strengths

Your team should be a group of people who can add value to your business. If you don’t have the skills, you need someone who does. The same goes for the expertise of your other team members. They should be able to perform their responsibilities well and carry out their roles in a way that doesn’t cause issues with the company. These are things investors will want to know about when you pitch them on why they should invest in your company, so it’s important that potential investors see what kind of reputation each person has before investing time and money into them.

For example: If you’re pitching an app idea, it would be wise to have someone on your team who can code or design websites—or at least knows how those things work (so they can teach others).

Know the Type of Funds You Need

It’s important to be clear about what kind of funding you’re looking for, how much you need, and how long the investment will last. You should also describe in detail how you’ll use this money to grow your company or project.

If possible, provide a budget outline with estimated costs for each phase of the project so that investors can clearly see where they’d be putting their money. Make sure to include your financial forecast as well—a good way to do this is by breaking down revenue sources by month and including an explanation of how those numbers were determined (e.g., “10% increase in sales compared with 2017”). This information should give investors confidence that their money is going toward something worthwhile and achievable.

Prepare a Pitch Deck

Regardless of the type of investor you’re pitching, you can’t ignore building a pitch deck. A pitch deck is a brief presentation that you give to investors to help them better understand your business and how it fits into the market.

It’s important to remember that investors are looking at thousands of companies every year, so they need an easy way to quickly digest the value proposition of each company they meet with. The way this works is that you present your company in an organized and concise format so that investors can get back to focusing on other opportunities.

Prepare Your Pitch Now

Now that you know how to have an impressive pitch, it’s time you start creating one. Keep the tips in mind and use our platform to your advantage. We hope you get the funding you need.